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Employee Wellness Programs Are Necessary!

"Over four million American workers quit their jobs each month in 2022. And poor mental health is skyrocketing as 70% of the C-suite with the weight of the world—or at least the company—on their shoulders considered quitting to search for a job that responded to their mental health and well-being.

Job burnout is both a people killer and a career killer. The World Health Organization (WHO) officially classified burnout as a medical diagnosis, including the condition in the International Classification of Diseases: “a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.”

Burnout is diagnosed by four symptoms:

  1. Feelings of energy depletion, exhaustion and fatigue
  2. Increased mental distance from your job
  3. Feelings of negativism or cynicism related to your job
  4. Reduced professional efficacy"


With workplace burnout on the rise, I offer an array of wellness solutions that can be conveniently downloaded by your employees and enjoyed immediately. New products are added to my store every week to help with the treatment/prevention of workplace burnout and a variety of other common problems.

Large businesses with 1000 employees or more can pay just $1 per employee per month to receive an all-access coupon code that can be used in all my store sections!

Your staff will have full access to:

  • Guided Relaxation - This section includes guided meditations, affirmation recordings, brain training morning alarms, hypnotherapy sessions, and sleep meditations.
  • Music & Sounds - Here you will find a variety of binaural beats, yoga music, mantra chants, sleep tracks, relaxation music, and soothing sounds of nature.
  • Education - eBooks and classes to help balance the mind and sooth the mood can be found in the education section.
  • Wall Art - This section offers printable wall art with positive affirmations, inspirational words/images, and motivational quotes to spruce up the workspace or home with positivity!

This program can be added to, and custom products can be created upon request to suit the needs of you and your business. Contact me today to discuss your best options. I look forward to hearing from you! Together we can create an effective employee wellness program that will keep your team at their peak performance. To get in touch with me, follow this link - Contact (